FQRSC funded publications per research program
International Security in the Globalization Era (2017 – )
T.V. Paul
Oxford Handbook on Peaceful Change in International Relations (Lead Editor and Contributor with Deborah Welch Larson, Harold Trinkunas, Anders Wivel & Ralf Emmers), New York: Oxford University Press, August 2021)
International Institutions and Power Politics: Bridging the Divide (Editor and Contributor with Anders Wivel) Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, September 2019.
India-China Maratime Competition: The Security Dilemma at Sea (Editor and Contributor with Rajesh Basrur and Anit Mukherjee), London: Routledge, 2019.
Restraining Great Powers: Soft Balancing from Empires to the Global Era (New Haven: Yale University Press, September 2018).
- Audio CD version, HighBridge, Prince Frederik, MD, September 2018
The India-China Rivalry in the Globalization Era (Editor and Contributor) (Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, September 2018)
Articles/Book Chapters
“Globalization, De-globalization and Re-Globalization: Adapting Liberal International Order,” International Affairs, 97, no. 5 (August 2021).
With Markus Kornpbrobst, “Introduction: Globalization, De-Globalization and the Liberal International Order,” International Affairs, 97, no. 5 (August 2021).
“The Study of Peaceful Change in World Politics,” in Paul et al eds. The Oxford Handbook of Peaceful Change in International Relations (New York: Oxford University Press, August 2021) pp.3-27.
With Kai He and Anders Wivel, “Introduction: International Institutions and Peaceful Change,” in Paul et al eds. The Oxford Handbook of Peaceful Change in International Relations (New York: Oxford University Press, August 2021) pp.763-78.
With Anders Wivel, “Soft Balancing, Institutions and Peaceful Change,” Ethics and International Affairs, 34 no. 4 (2020), 473-85.
With Zhen Han, “China’s Rise and Balance of Power Politics,” The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 13 no. 1 (2020), 1-26.
With Erik Underwood, “Balance of Power,”, Oxford Bibliographies in International Law (2020).
With RajeshBasrur and Anit Mukherjee “Revisiting the Security Dilemma through the Lens of India-China Relations” (), Asian Security, 15 no. 1 (2019); pp.1-4.
With Erik Underwood, “Theorizing India-US-China strategic triangle,” India Review, 18 no. 4 (2019), 348-367.
“When Balance of Power Meets Globalization,” Politics 39, no. 1 (2019), 50-63.
“Recasting Statecraft: International Relations and Strategies of Peaceful Change,” International Studies Quarterly 61, no. 1 (2017), 1-13.
“Global Peaceful Change and Accommodation of Rising Powers: A Scholarly Perspective,” All Azimuth 6, no. 2 (2017): 85.
“Indian International Relations Studies: the Need for Integration with Global Scholarship,” ORF Issue Brief 2019 (2017): 1-8.
John A. Hall
With John L. Campbell. The World of States, Second Revised Edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021).
With John L. Campbell. What Capitalism Needs: the Forgotten Lessons of Great Economists (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021).
With John L. Campbell. The Paradox of Vulnerability: States, Nationalism, and the Financial Crisis (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017).
Articles/Book Chapters
With E. Amasyali, “Weak Ruritanians, Fearful Megalomanias: Nationalism and Empire:1878-1923”, Journal of Historical Sociology (under review).
“The Philosopher of Anthropology: Ernest Gellner on Anthropological Method’, in Berose: International Encyclopaedia of the History of Anthropology, Paris (2020).
“Gellner, Ernest”, in The Sage Encyclopedia of Research Methods, edited by P. Atkinson, S. Delamont, R. Williams, A. Cernat and J. Sakshaug (2020).
“The End of Empires”, in The Oxford World History of Empire, edited by P. Bang, C.A. Bayly and W. Scheidel. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2020).
“The Grammar of Social Theory, or, Negotiations in Hell.” Irish Journal of Sociology, 28 no. 1 (2019): 29–43.
With Frédéric Mérand, “Variable Geometry: Power and Institutions in the European Union” in International Institutions and Power Politics: Bridging the Divide, edited by T.V. Paul and A. Wivel. Washington, Georgetown University Press, 2019.
“Reflections and Responses” in States and Nations, Power and Civility: Hallsian Perspectives (pp.303-324), edited by F. Duina. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2019.
“Our current sense of anxiety or after Gellner.” Nations and Nationalism, 25 no. 1 (2019): 45-57.
“Our Current Sense of Anxiety” in The Impact of Critical Rationalism: Essays for I.C. Jarvie (pp. 71-80), edited by N. Laor and R. Sassower. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
With John L. Campbell “Governance, Knowledge and Crisis in the Developed World: The Use of Expertise in the 2008 Financial Meltdown” in Order and Governance in the Contemporary World (pp. 131-158), edited by Z. Yongnian. Singapore, World Scientific Publishing, 2018.
“The Chinese Pattern of the Past, in Comparative Perspective.” Chinese Sociological Review (2018): 1-6.
“A Belated Education.” Czech Sociological Review, 54 no. 3 (2018): 456-459.
“The Art and Science of Sociology: Essays in Honor of Edward A. Tiryakian,” Contemporary Sociology 47, no. 1 (2018), 107-108.
“Popitz, Heinrich, Phenomena of Power: Authority, Domination, and Violence,” Canadian Journal of Sociology 42, no, 3 (2017), 357-360.
With Shana Cohen, “Introduction: Jewish Conditions, Theories of Nationalism,” International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society 30, no. 2 (2017), 119-127.
“Taking Megalomania Seriously: Rough Notes,” Thesis Eleven, 139, no. 1 (2017), 30-45.
Vincent Pouliot
With Piki Ish-Shalom and Markus Kornprobst, eds., Cognitive Evolution and World Ordering: Opening New Vistas, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021).
L’ordre hiérarchique international. Les luttes de rang dans la diplomatie multilatérale (Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2017)
Articles/ Book Chapters
With Frédéric Mérand, “International Institutions and Peaceful Change,” in T.V. Paul, Deborah Welch Larson, Harold A. Trinkunas, Anders Wivel, and Ralf Emmers (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Peaceful Change in International Relations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021).
With Markus Kornprobst and Piki Ish-Shalom, “Perspective on Cognitive Evolution and World Ordering: Opening New Vistas,” in Markus Kornprobst, Piki Ish-Shalom and Vincent Pouliot, eds., Cognitive Evolution and World Ordering: Opening New Vistas, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021).
“Global Governance in the Age of Epistemic Authority,” International Theory, 13 no.1 (2021): 144-156.
“The Evolution of International Practices,” in Alena Drieschova, Christian Bueger and Ted Hopf, eds., Conceptualizing International Practices: Directions for the Practice Turn in International Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
“Historical Institutionalism Meets Practice Theory: Renewing the Selection Process of the United Nations Secretary-General,” International Organization, 74 no. 4 (2020).
“The Gray Area of Institutional Change: How the Security Council Transforms Its Practices on the Fly,” Journal of Global Security Studies, 6 no.3, 2020.
“Global Governance in the Age of Epistemic Authority,” International Theory (Forthcoming).
With Jean-Philippe Thérien “Global Governance as Patchwork: The Making of the Sustainable Development Goals,” Review of International Political Economy, 2020, 612-636.
With Sarah-Myriam Martin-Brûlé and Lou Pingeot “The Power Politics of United Nations Peace Operations,” in Anders Wivel and T.V. Paul, eds., International Institutions and Power Politics: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press (2019).
With Jean-Philippe Thérien, “Global Governance in Practice,” Global Policy 9, no. 2 (2018): 163-172.
“La logique du praticable: une théorie de la pratique des communautés de sécurité,” Études internationales 48, no. 2 (2018): 153-190.
“La logique du praticable dans le rétroviseur,” Études internationales 48, no. 2 (2018): 257-270.
With Jean-Philippe Thérien, “Global Governance: A Struggle Over Universal Values,” International Studies Review 20, no. 1 (2018): 55-73.
“Against Authority: The Heavy Weight of International Hierarchy,” in Ayse Zarakol, ed., Hierarchies in World Politics (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017), 113-133.
With Jérémie Cornut, “Bilateral and Multilateral Diplomatic Practices,” in Pauline Kerr and Geoffrey Wiseman, eds., Diplomacy in a Globalizing World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), 185-198.
Sarah-Myriam Martin-Brulé
Evaluating Peacekeeping Missions: A Typology of Success and Failure in International Interventions (New York: Routledge, 2017)
“Finding the UN Way on Peacekeeping-Intelligence,” International Peace Institute (April 2020).
With Lou Pingeot and Vincent Pouliot “The Power Politics of United Nations Peace Operations,” in Anders Wivel and T.V. Paul, eds., International Institutions and Power Politics: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press (2019).
With Stéfanie von Hlatky, “Peace First? What is Canada’s Role in UN Operations?,” International Journal 72, no. 2 (2018): 187-204.
Frédéric Mérand
The Political Commissioner: A European Ethnography (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021)
Un sociologue à la Commission européenne (Paris : Presses de Sciences Po, 2020).
With Adib Bencherif, L’analyse du risque politique. Concevoir les futurs (Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2021).
Editor, Coping with Geopolitical Decline (Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020)
Editor and Contributor with Francesco Duina, Europe’s Malaise: The Long View Vol: 27 (Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020)
Articles/Book chapters
With Vincent Pouliot, “International Institutions and Peaceful Change,” in T.V. Paul, Deborah Welch Larson, Harold A. Trinkunas, Anders Wivel, and Ralf Emmers (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Peaceful Change in International Relations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021).
“Political Work in the Stability and Growth Pact,” Journal of European Public Policy, (2021).
With Francesco Duina, “Europe’s Malaise: Insights from Comparative and Historical Social Science”, Research in Political Sociology, 27 (2020): 1-16.
With Magdalena Dembinska and Dominika Kunertova, “Theorizing Cooperation and Conflict in EU-Russia Relations”, East European Politics, 36, no.4 (2020): 465-76.
With Stephanie C. Hofmann, “In search of lost time: Memory‐framing, bilateral identity‐making, and European security,” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 58, no. 1 (2020): 155-171.
With Magdalena Dembińska and Anastasiya Shtaltovna. “Conflict and cooperation between Europe and Russia: the autonomy of the local,” East European Politics (2020): 1-22.
With Magdalena Dembińska, “The role of international brokers in frozen conflicts: the case of transnistria,” Asia Europe Journal 17, no. 1 (2019): 15-30.
With John A. Hall, “Variable Geometry: Power and Institutions in the European Union” in International Institutions and Power Politics: Bridging the Divide, edited by T.V. Paul and A. Wivel. Washington, Georgetown University Press, 2019.
With Florent Pouponneau, “Diplomatic Practices, Domestic Fields, and the International System: Explaining France’s Shift on Nuclear Nonproliferation,” International Studies Quarterly 61, no. 1 (2017), 123-135.
Globalization and Rising Powers (2013-2017)
T.V. Paul
Accommodating Rising Powers: Past, Present and Future (Editor), New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
Status in World Politics (co-editor and contributor with Deborah Larson and William Wohlforth), Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press (in hardcover and paperback editions), March 2014.
The Warrior State: Pakistan in the Contemporary World (New York and Oxford:
Oxford University Press), January 2014.
Articles/Book Chapters
“The Accommodation of Rising Powers in World Politics,” in Accommodating Rising Powers: Past, Present and Future, ed. T.V. Paul (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015), 2-43
“India’s Soft Power in a Globalizing World,” Current History 113, 762 (2014): 157-62
“Status Accommodation through Institutional Means: India’s Rise and the Global Order,” (with Mahesh Shankar) in Status in World Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014)
“Strategies for Managing China’s Rise,” Harvard Asia Quarterly 16, 2, (2014): 11-18
“India’s Role in Asia: A Rising Regional Power,” in David Shambaugh and Michael Yahuda eds., International Relations of Asia 2nd edn., Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.
“Status and World Order” with Deborah Larson and William Wohlforth in Status in World Politics, Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp.
“Status Accommodation through Institutional Means: India’s Rise and the Global Order” with Mahesh Shankar in Status in World Politics, Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp.
John A. Hall
The World of States (Co-author J. Campbell) Bloomsbury, 2015
Articles/Book Chapters
“The End of Empires”, in P. Bang, C.A. Bayly and W. Scheidel, eds., The Oxford World History of Empire, Oxford University Press (in press), 2015
“Varieties of State Experience”, in S. Leibfried, F. Nullmeier, E. Huber, M. Lange, J. Levy and J. Stephens, eds, The Oxford Handbook of Transformations of the State, Oxford University Press, 2015.
“The World of States” (Co-author John L. Campbell), World Financial Review, March/April, 9-11, 2015.
“Nations, States and Empires”, in G.J. Ikenberry, ed., Power, Order, and Change in World Politics, Cambridge University Press, 263-85, 2014.
“State and Nation”, in B. Brincker, ed., Introduction to Political Sociology, Reitzel, 211-29, 2013.
Vincent Pouliot
International Pecking Orders: The Politics and Practice of Multilateral Diplomacy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016)
Co-editor with Ole Jacob Sending Iver B. Neumann eds., Diplomacy: The Making of World Politics (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015).
Articles/Book Chapters
With Andrew Cooper, “How Much Is Global Governance Changing? The G20 as International Practice,” Cooperation and Conflict, 2015 (early view).
With Jérémie Cornut, “Practice Theory and the Study of Diplomacy: A Research Agenda,” Cooperation and Conflict, 2015 (early view).
“The Practice of Permanent Representation at International Organizations,” in Ole Jacob Sending, Vincent Pouliot and Iver B. Neumann, (eds.), Diplomacy: The Making of World Politics (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015).
“Diplomacy in Theory and in Practice: Introduction,” (Jérémie Cornut) Cooperation and Conflict, Forthcoming, 2015.
“Introduction,” (with Ole Jacob Sending and Iver B. Neumann) in Ole Jacob Sending, Vincent Pouliot and Iver B. Neumann (eds.), Diplomacy: The Making of World Politics, (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015)
“The Politics of Inclusion: Changing Patterns in the Governance of International Security,” (Jean-Philippe Thérien) with Review of International Studies, Forthcoming, 2015
“The Spectacle of Global Transformation: The G20 as International Practice,” (with Andrew Cooper) Cooperation and Conflict, Forthcoming, 2015
“Power in Practice: Negotiating the International Intervention in Libya,” (with Rebecca Adler-Nissen) European Journal of International Relations 20 (4).
“Setting Status in Stone: The Negotiation of International Institutional Privileges”, in T.V. Paul. Deborah Larson, and WilliamWohlforth (eds.), Status in World Politics, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014)
With Rebecca Adler-Nissen, “Power in Practice: Negotiating the International Intervention in Libya,” European Journal of International Relations, forthcoming.
With Daniel H. Nexon, “‘Things of Networks’: Situating ANT in International Relations,” International Political Sociology 7 (3), 2013, 342-345.
“Institutionalizing Status: The Reform of the UN Security Council,” in T.V. Paul, Deborah Welch Larson and William Wohlforth, eds., Status in World Politics, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Frédéric Mérand
Articles/Book Chapters
With Bujun, Devi Poornema, Martial Foucault 2014. “Regional Security Governance and Collective Action.” in J. Sperling. Handbook of Governance and Security. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
With Irondelle, Bastien, et Martial Foucault, “Public Opinion and European Defence: Does Strategic Culture Matter?”. European Journal of Political Research
With Kathleen Angers. 2013. « Military Integration in Europe ». In Philipp Genschel, Markus Jachtenfuchs. The European Integration of Core State Powers. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
Globalization and Regional Security Transformations (2009-2013)
T.V. Paul
International Relations Theory and Regional Transformation (Editor and Contributor), Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press (in hardcover and paperback editions), 2012.
South Asia’s Weak States: Understanding the Regional Insecurity Predicament (Editor & Contributor), Stanford: Stanford University Press (in hardcover and paperback editions), 2010. South Asia Edition, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2010.
Articles/Book Chapters
“Southern Asia, India, and the Gulf Region: Understanding the New Geo-political Interface”(with Happymon Jacob), Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, 8, no.1 (January-March 2013), 52-65.
“Las Potencias en ascenso y el equilibrio del ponder en el siglo xxI,” Politica ExteriorNo.94, (February 2012), pp.95-116.
“Regional Transformation in International Relations” in Paul ed., International Relations Theory and Regional Transformation, Cambridge University Press, 2012
“Impact of Climatic Change on Indian Security: The Role of State Capacity,” in Daniel Moran ed., Climate Change and National Security: A Country-level Analysis,Washington DC; Georgetown University Press, 2011, pp.73-84.
“The Major Powers and Conflicts in South Asia,” in Amitendu Palit ed., South Asia: Beyond the Financial Crisis, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co., 2011, pp. 101-116.
“State Capacity and South Asia’s Perennial Insecurity Problems,” in Paul ed., South Asia’s Weak States: Understanding Regional Insecurity, Stanford University Press, 2010, pp. 3-27.
“Transforming South Asia: Is a Pluralistic Security Community Feasible? With Theodore McLauchlin in Paul ed., South Asia’s Weak States: Understanding Regional Insecurity, Stanford University Press, 2010, pp. 293-311.
“Foreign Policy Making in India: Looking for Theoretical Explanations,” With Mahesh Shan kar, in Amitabh Mattoo and Happymon Jacob, eds., Shaping India’s ForeignPolicy: People, Politics and Places, New Delhi: Har-Anand Publishers, 2010, 46-77
John A. Hall
Nationalism and War, co-edited with S. Malesevic, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Articles/Book Chapters
“Measuring Cultural Diversity: Ethnic, Linguistic and Religious Fractionalization in the OECD”, (with N. Patsiurko and J.L. Campbell), Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol. 35, 2012.
“The Transformation of Europe: Banalities of Success”, for T.V. Paul, ed., International Relations Theory and Regional Transformation, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
“Nationalism Might Change its Character, Again”, pp. 17-26 in D. Halikiopoulou and S. Vasilopoulou, eds, Nationalism and Globalisation: Conflicting or Contemporary, Routledge, 2011.
“Empires, Ancient and Modern”, British Journal of Sociology, vol. 62, September 2011, pp. 542-550.
“State Failure” in The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Institutional Analysis, ed. G. Morgan, J. Campbell, C. Crouch, P.H. Kristensen, O. Pedersen and R. Whitley, Oxford University Press, 2010.
“The Political Economy of Scale and Nation, with Special Reference to Denmark,” (with J.L. Campbell), in M. Boss, ed., The Nation-State in Transformation: The Governance, Growth and Cohesion of Small States under Globalization, Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2009.
“Defending the Gellnerian Premise: Denmark in Historical and Comparative Context” (with J.L. Campbell), Nations and Nationalism, vol. 16, no. 1 (2009), pp. 89-107.
“National Identity and the Political Economy of Small States” (with J.L. Campbell), Review of International Political Economy, vol. 16, no. 4 (2009), pp. 547-572.
Vincent Pouliot
With Emmanuel Adler, International Practices. (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011)
International Security in Practice: The Politics of NATO-Russia Diplomacy (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010)
Articles/Book Chapters
“Regional Security Practices and Russian-Atlantic Relations,” in T.V. Paul, ed., International Relations Theory and Regional Transformation. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
“Diplomats as Permanent Representatives: The Practical Logics of the Multilateral Pecking Order,” International Journal 66(3), 2011.
With Ole Jacob Sending and Iver B. Neumann, “The Future of Diplomacy: Changing Practices, Evolving Relationships,” International Journal 66(3), 2011.
Emanuel Adler and Vincent Pouliot (2011), “International Practices,” International Theory 3 (1), 2011.
Iver B. Neumann and Vincent Pouliot, “Untimely Russia: Hysteresis in Russian-Western Relations Over the Past Millennium,” Security Studies 20 (1), 2011.
Vincent Pouliot, “Multilateralism as an End in Itself,” International Studies Perspectives 12, (1), 2011.
Vincent Pouliot, “The Year NATO Lost Russia,” in Frédéric Mérand, Martial Foucault and Bastien Irondelle, eds., European Security Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011.
Frédéric Mérand
Avec Martial Foucault, Bastien Irondelle eds. European Security Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011)
Articles/Book Chapters
Hofmann, Stephanie, Frédéric Mérand. 2012. « Regional Integration à la Carte : The Effects of Institutional Elasticity ». In TV Paul. Regional Integration and International Relations Theory. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Joana, Jean, Frédéric Mérand. 2013. « Politique de défense et variétés du militarisme libéral ». Gouvernement et action publique.
Jegen, Maya, Frédéric Mérand. 2013. « Constructive Ambiguity : Does It Work? A Comparison of the European Union’s Energy and Defence Policies ». West European Politics.
Mégie, Antoine, Frédéric Mérand. 2013. « L’Union européenne et le nouvel équilibre des pouvoirs ». Politique européenne. 39 : 9-21
Foucault, Martial, Frédéric Mérand. 2012. « The Challenge of Burden Sharing », International Journal, LXVIII(2) : 423-429.
Haglund, David G., Frédéric Mérand. 2011. « Transatlantic Relations in the New Strategic Landscape. ». International Journal. 66(1):23-38.
Mérand, Frédéric, Stephanie Hofmann, Bastien Irondelle. 2011. « Governance and State Power : A Network Analysis of European Security». Journal of Common Market Studies. 49(1):121-47.
Mérand, Frédéric, Stephanie Hofmann, Bastien Irondelle. 2010. « Transgovernmental Networks in European Security and Defence Policy ». European Integration online Papers. 14(1).
Mérand, Frédéric. 2010. « Pierre Bourdieu and the Birth of European Defense». Security Studies. 19(2): 342-74.
Mérand, Frédéric, Mathias Bonneu, Samuel Faure. 2010. « What Do ESDP Actors Want? An Exploratory Analysis ». European Security. 19(3):327-44.
Mérand, Frédéric, Kathleen Angers. 2013. “Military Integration in Europe,” In Philipp Genschel, Markus Jachtenfuchs. The European Integration of Core State Powers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mérand, Frédéric, Patrick Barrette. 2013. “Military Power in Europe,” in Niilo Kauppi and Mikael Rask Madsen (eds.), Transnational Power Elites: The New Professionals of Governance, Law and Security. London: Routledge.
Mérand, Frédéric. 2012. “Europäisierung als Formierung europäischer Felder,” in Stefan Bernhard, Christian Schmidt-Wellenburg. Feldanalyse als Forschungsprogramm. Heidelberg : Springer/VS Verlag.
Mérand, Frédéric, Amélie Forget, 2012. “Strategizing about Strategy,” in Rebecca Adler-Nissen. Pierre Bourdieu and International Relations. London: Routledge.
Hofmann, Stephanie, Frédéric Mérand. 2012. “Regional Integration: The Effects of Institutional Elasticity”, in T.V. Paul. International Relations Theory and Regional Transformation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Globalization and National Security (2004-2008)
T.V. Paul
Globalization and the National Security State (with Norrin Ripsman), New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press (in hardcover and paperback editions), 2010.
Complex Deterrence: Strategy in the Global Age (Co-editor and Contributor with Patrick M. Morgan and James J. Wirtz), Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press (in hardcover and paperback editions), 2009. South Asia Edition, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2010.
The Tradition of Non-use of Nuclear Weapons, Stanford: Stanford University Press (in hardcover and paperback editions), 2009. South Asia Edition, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2010.
Balance of Power: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century (Co-editor and Contributor, with Jim Wirtz and Michel Fortmann), Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004.
Articles/Book Chapters
“Taboo or Tradition: The Non-Use of Nuclear Weapons in World Politics,” Review of International Studies, October 2010, pp. 853-863.
“Complex Deterrence: An Introduction,” in Paul, Morgan, Wirtz eds., Complex Deterrence: Strategy in the Global Age, University of Chicago Press, Press, pp. 1-27. 2009“Deterrence among Great Powers in an Era of Globalization,” in Paul, Morgan, Wirtz eds., Complex Deterrence: Strategy in the Global Age, University of Chicago Press, pp. 259-76. 2009
“Nuclear Weapons and Asian Security in the Twenty-first Century,” in N.S. Sisodia, V. Krishnappa, and Priyanka Singh, eds., Proliferation and Emerging Nuclear Order in the Twenty-first Century, New Delhi: Academic Foundation, 29-43.
“Why the U.S.-India Nuclear Accord is a Good Deal,” (with Mahesh Shankar) Survival49(4), Winter 2008, 112-122.
“The U.S.-India Nuclear Accord: Implications for the Non-Proliferation Regime,”International Journal 62(4), Autumn 2007, 845-61.
“Why Has the India-Pakistan Rivalry Been So Enduring? Power Asymmetry and an Intractable Conflict,” Security Studies, vol. 15, no. 4, (October-December 2006), pp. 600-630.
“Soft Balancing in the Age of U.S. Primacy,” International Security, 30(1) Summer, pp. 46-71. 2005
Vincent Pouliot
Markus Kornprobst, Vincent Pouliot, Nisha Shah et Ruben Zaiotti (eds.), Metaphors of Globalization: Mirrors, Magicians and Mutinies, New York: Palgrave, 2008.
“Pacification without Collective Identification: Russia and the Transatlantic Security Community in the post-Cold War Era,” Journal of Peace Research 44 (5), 2007, 603-620.
Frédéric Mérand
Articles/Book Chapters
Mérand, Frédéric, Grégoire Mallard. 2012. “Dissuasion, non-prolifération, désarmement. Une stratégie pour l’Europe”. In Sébastien Boussois, Christophe Wasinski. Armement et désarmement nucléaires. Perspectives euro-atlantiques. Bruxelles, Peter Lang, pp.165-77.
Other Work
T.V. Paul
The Nation State in Question (Co-editor and Contributor, with G. John Ikenberry and John A.Hall), Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003.
Articles/Book chapters
“A Plea for Puzzle-Driven International Relations Research,” Qualitative & Multi-Method Research, Fall 2010, pp.13-19.
“Integrating International Relations Studies in India to Global Scholarship,” International Studies, 46 (1-2), 2009, 129-45.
John A. Hall
The Importance of Being Civil:The Struggle for Political Decency,Princeton University Press, 2013.
Power in the Twenty-First Century: Michael Mann in Conversation with John Hall,Polity, 2011.
Ernest Gellner: An Intellectual Biography. London: Verso, 2010.
An Anatomy of Power: The Social Theory of Michael Mann, edited with R. Schroeder, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
National Diversity and the Varieties of Capitalism: The Danish Experience, edited with J. Campbell and O. Pedersen, McGill/Queen’s Press, 2006.
Civil Society: A Reader (edited with F. Trentmann, Palgrave, 2005). Contains a co-authored introduction and much editorial material.
Articles/Book Chapters
“Political Power”, (with S. Malesevic) , in M. Haugaard and K. Ryan, eds, Political Power: The Development of the Field, IPSA and Budrich Publishers, 2012.
“Afterword”, in P. Bang and D.Kolodziejczyk, eds, Universal Empire: A Comparative Approach to Imperial Culture and Representation in Eurasian History, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
“Two Cheers for Modernity”, in B. Cowan and L. Yetter, eds, Publicity and Privacy in Early Modern Europe: Reflections on Michael McKeon’s The Secret History of Domesticity, in History Compass, 2012.
“How can we be sure?” Journal of Political Power, vol. 5, 2012.
“Gains and Losses”, Sociological Research Online, vol. 16, 2011.
“British Sociology: Gains and Losses”, Sociological Research Online (Special Issue co-edited by J. Brewer and J. Platt on sociological diasporas), vol. 16, August 2011.
“Measuring Cultural Diversity: Ethnic, Linguistic and Religious Fractionalization in the OECD”, (with N. Patsiurko and J.L. Campbell), Ethnic and Racial Studies, July 2011, pp. 1-23.
“The Nature of Sophisticated Realism: Raymond Aron and International Relations”, Journal of Classical Sociology, vol. 11, May 2011, pp. 191-201.
“Liberal Limits to Identity,” in G. Yair and O. Gazit, eds., Globalization, States and Citizenship, Brill, 2008.
“Liberal Machiavellianism” for a Festschrift for Ove K. Pederson, edited by P. Nedergaard and J.L. Campbell. Institutions and Politics, DJOF, 2008.
“Passions within reason”, for J. Anderson, G.J. Ikenberry and T. Risse, eds, The End of the West? Explaining the Deep Structure of the Transatlantic Order, Cornell University Press, 2008.
“Modern Ideologies,” in Y. Kim, ed., Transformative Challenges: Modern Civilization and Beyond, The Global Academy, Seoul. 2008
“Islam and Democracy,” Sociological Forum, vol. 23 (2008).
“Difference and the Danes: Notes on Work-in-Progress,” (with J.L. Campbell) Tidsskriftet Politik, 2008
“Gellner’s Metaphysic,” Ernest Gellner: Critical Perspectives, ed., M. Haugaard and S. Malesevic. Cambridge University Press, 2007.
“Plaidoyer pour L’Europe des Patries,” in R. Rogowski and C. Turner, eds., The European Union: Benign Imperial Power or Superstate, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
“Structural Approaches to the Study of Nationalism,” in K. Kumar and G. Delanty, eds., The Sage Handbook of Nations and Nationalism, Sage, 2006.
Vincent Pouliot
“Practice Tracing,” in Andrew Bennett and Jeffrey T. Checkel, (eds.), Process Tracing: From Metaphor to Analytic Tool, (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014).
“Methodology: Putting Practice Theory in Practice,” in Rebecca Adler-Nissen, ed., Bourdieu in International Relations. London and New York: Routledge, 2012.
With Frédéric Mérand, “A Political Sociology of International Relations,” in Rebecca Adler-Nissen, ed., Bourdieu in International Relations. London and New York: Routledge, 2012.
Vincent Pouliot, “Constructivism in International Relations,” in International Encyclopedia of Political Science. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2011.
“Teaching International Political Sociology,” in Robert Denemark, ed., International Studies Encyclopedia, Hoboken NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2010.
“The Materials of Practice: Nuclear Warheads, Rhetorical Commonplaces and Committee Meetings in Russian-Atlantic Relations,” Cooperation and Conflict 45 (3): 294-311.
“Alliance,” Communauté de sécurité,” “Complexe de sécurité,” “Culture stratégique,” “Sécurité collective,” in Alex Macleod, ed., Relations internationales et sécurité: Théories et concepts, 3rd edition. Montreal: Athena, 2008.
Frédéric Mérand et Vincent Pouliot, “Le monde de Pierre Bourdieu: Éléments pour une théorie sociale des relations internationales,” Revue canadienne de science politique/Canadian Journal of Political Science 41(3), 2008, 603-625.
“The Logic of Practicality: A Theory of Practice of Security Communities,” International Organization 62 (2), 2008, 257-288.
“‘Sobjectivism’: Toward a Constructivist Methodology,” International Studies Quarterly 51 (2), 2007, 359-384.
“The Alive and Well Transatlantic Security Community: A Theoretical Reply to Michael Cox,” European Journal of International Relations 12 (1), 2006, 119-127.
Jean-Philippe Thérien et Vincent Pouliot, “The Global Compact: Shifting the Politics of Development?” Global Governance 12 (1), 2006, 55-75.
“The Essence of Constructivism,” Journal of International Relations and Development 7 (3), 2004, 319-336.
Journal Special Issue
Vincent Pouliot and Jérémie Cornut, “Practice Theory and the Study of Diplomacy: Tapping into the Synergies,” Cooperation and Conflict, 2015 (early view).
Frédéric Mérand
Avec Julien Weisbein, 2011. Introduction à l’Union européenne. Institutions, politiques et sociétés. Bruxelles, De Boeck.
Articles/Book Chapters
Mérand, Frédéric. 2015. “Bourdieu: le champ, vecteur de la mondialisation”, in Guillaume Devin, Dix concepts sociologiques en relations internationales, Paris, CNRS Editions.
Joana, Jean, Frédéric Mérand. 2014. « The varieties of liberal militarism: A typology ». French Politics. 12, 177-191
Saurugger, Sabine, Frédéric Mérand. 2010. « Does European Integration Theory Need Sociology? » Comparative European Politics. 8(1):1-19.
Mérand, Frédéric. 2012. “Bricolage: A Sociological Approach to the Making of CSDP”, in Xymena Kurowska, Fabian Breuer. Explaining the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy: Theory in Action. Houndmills: Palgrave-Macmillan.
Mérand, Frédéric, Patrick Barrette, Olivia-Larisa Chicos. 2012. “Du champ de Mars au Rond-Point Schuman: genèse et structure de l’Europe militaire”. In Didier Georgakakis. Le champ de l’Eurocratie: une sociologie politique du personnel de l’UE. Paris: Economica.
Mérand, Frédéric. 2011. « EU Policies », in Adrian Favell, Virginie Guiraudon. The Sociology of European Union. Houndmills: Palgrave-Macmillan.
Mérand, Frédéric, Nicola Contessi, Jérémie Cornut, Dominika Kunertova. 2013. Options for Canada in Euro-Atlantic Security Organizations, 2013-2030. Ottawa: International Security Research and Operations Program, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
Sarah-Myriam Martin-Brulé
FRQSC Funded Project
Robert Pateman, “False Analogies.” Working Paper no. 45 (January 2015) (PDF)
Shibashis Chatterjee, “India’s Spatial Imagination/s of South Asia.” Working Paper no. 44 (October 2014) (PDF)
Zoltan Buzas, “How Nationalism Helps Internal Balancing but Hurts External Balance: the Case of East Asia.” CIPSS Working Paper no. 43 (September 2014) (PDF)
Sean Kay, “America’s Asia Pivot – a Return to Realism?” CIPSS Working Paper no. 42 (January 2014) (PDF)
Srdjan Vucetic, “Before the Cut: The Global Politics of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter” CIPSS Working Paper no. 41 (May 2013) (PDF)
Djiby Sow, “Mali: L’Exception Kidal” CIPSS Working Paper no. 40 (May 2013) (PDF)
Rebecca Adler-Nissen, “Diplomacy as Impression Management : Strategic Face-Work and Post-Colonial Embarrassment,” CIPSS Working Paper no. 38 (March 2012)(PDF)
Harsh V. Pant, “India in Afghanistan : A Rising Power or a Hesitant Power?,” CIPSS Working Paper no. 37 (April 2012) (PDF)
Bridget L. Coggins, “Do Failed States Produce More Terrorism: Initial Evidence from the Non-Traditional Threat Data,” CIPSS Working Paper no. 36 (October 2011) (PDF)
Niels Lachmann, “NATO-CSDP-EU Relations: Sketching the Map of a Community of Practice,” CIPSS Working Paper no. 35, Fall 2010. (PDF)
Benjamin Miller and Moran Mandelbaum, “Taming the Revisionist State: The Effects of Military Defeats on the War-Proneness of Germany vs. Iraq,” CIPSS Working Paper no. 34, September 2010. (PDF)
Deborah Larson and Alexei Shevchenko, “Status, Identity, and Rising Powers,” CIPSS Working Paper no. 33, October 2010. (PDF)
Hendrik Spruyt, “Juggling the New Triad–Energy, Environment and Security: A Case Study of the Canadian Oil Sands” CIPSS Working Paper no. 32, October 2010. (PDF)
Andrew Bennett and Andrew Loomis, ““Where Mistakes were Made: The Politics and Psychology of Blame for Iraq” CIPSS Working Paper no. 31, October 2010. (PDF)
Sarah E. Kreps, “Cooperation on the Path to Conflict: United States Intervention after the Cold War,” CIPSS Working Paper no. 30, October 2009. (PDF)
Erica Chenweth, “War Initiation and Transnational Terrorism: Is there a Causal Connection?” CIPSS Working Paper no. 29, October 2009. (PDF)
Dominique Caouette, “Le multilatéralisme émergent en Asie : Nouvelles dynamiques régionales et nouveaux défis pour le Canada?” (January 2009) (PDF)
Robert Jackson, “Solidarism or Pluralism” REGIS Working Paper no. 28, January 2009. (PDF)
Jeffrey Hart, “Globalization and Global Governance in the 21st Century” REGIS Working Paper no. 27, January 2009. (PDF)
Ian Hurd, “States and Rules, Norms and Interests” REGIS Working Paper no. 26, November 2008. (PDF)
David C. Kang, “War and Peace in Early Modern East Asia: Hierarchy and Legitimacy in International System” REGIS Working Paper no. 25, October 2008. (PDF)
Siddharth Bannerjee, “Weak States and South Asia’s Insecurity Predicament. Conference Report (October 3-4 2008). (PDF)
Monica Toft, “Peace through Security: Making Negotiated Settlements Stick” REGIS Working Paper no. 23, November 2006. (PDF)
Deborah Avant, “Globalization, Private Security, and Democratic Processes: Implications for the Democratic Peace” REGIS Working Paper no. 22, November 2006. (PDF)
Christopher Layne, “Debunking the 1930s Analogy: Neville Chamberlain’s Grand Strategy” REGIS Working Paper no. 21, November 2006. (PDF)
Husain Haqqani, “Dysfunction of an Ideological State: Pakistan’s Recurrent Crises in Historic Context” REGIS Working Paper no. 20, October 2006. (PDF)
Robert Powell, “War as a Commitment Problem,” REGIS Working Paper no 19, November 2004. (PDF)
William W. Keller and Louis W. Pauly, “China, Semiconductors, and Security,” REGIS Working Paper no. 18, November 2004. (PDF)
William R. Thompson, “Explaining Rivalry Termination in Contemporary Eastern Eurasia with Evolutionary Expectancy Theory,” REGIS Working Paper no. 17, November 2004. (PDF)
Christopher Way and Karthika Sasikumar, “Leaders and Laggards: When and Why do Countries Sign the NPT?,” REGIS Working Paper no. 16, November 2004. (PDF)
Joseph M. Grieco, “America Adrift: Myths and Realities About the United States in the New World,” REGIS Working Paper no. 15, November 2004. (PDF)